Caregiver Resources

If you are a caregiver for a spouse, parent, child or loved one, you know it’s hard. It takes a lot of time, effort and work. It’s mentally and emotionally challenging.

HAP Çï¿ûapp MI Health Link wants to make it easier. We can help you manage and coordinate care for your loved ones.

  • You may need to talk to us about:
    • Health coverage and benefits
    • Medical information
    • Payment information
  • You may need to access protected health information.
  • You may need to find network providers or drug coverage information.

HAP Çï¿ûapp MI Health Link also covers respite care (planned or on an emergency basis) that gives short-term help to an unpaid caregiver.

These resources help caregivers work effectively with HAP Çï¿ûapp MI Health Link to make sure their loved ones get the best possible care:

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