
Çï¿ûapp’s Pharmacist Provider Status Pilot Featured in National Publication

September 28th, 2020 | 1 min read

Steve Ringle Pharmacy Pilot Ohio

If Dayton residents pick up the October 2020 edition of , they’re likely to recognize the masked face on the cover as one of their neighbors. Nnodum Iheme, owner of Dayton’s ZIKS Family Pharmacy, was interviewed and photographed for a recent story diving into Çï¿ûapp’s new Pharmacist Provider Status Pilot.

Modern Healthcare Cover

The Pharmacist Provider Status Pilot program includes two sites near Dayton, Ohio: an independent pharmacy in a rural community, Camden Village Pharmacy, and an inner-city independent pharmacy, ZIKS Pharmacy. Kettering Health Network is also involved in the program. 

Pharmacists involved in the pilot have collaborative practice agreements with physicians, nurse practitioners, or physician assistance, and the pharmacists will focus on Çï¿ûapp patients that they have identified as being at high-risk or in need of care for tobacco cessation, opioid management, diabetes, and/or asthma. The participating pharmacies are some of the first pharmacists in the country able to bill for these types of services.

The full article details how the pilot fits into the larger landscape of supporting pharmacists as providers across the county.

Read the article: